Helen Schapiro

Created by Ben 4 years ago
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Dear Ben
I am still so shocked by the news of Max,  all so sudden, so emotionally brutal, such a loss.
Max was such a dear, special friend, but even more, he was my best chum!   We didn’t meet up so much of recent times - I’ve had a difficult year - but we talked at least once a week at great length.  We had very animated conversations, with much humour, normally about our shared passion for soccer/Man U. talking centre place.  How relieved he would have been on Sunday when M.U. didn’t lose to the BIG enemy.
Max was such a lovely man, I never heard him say an unkind word about anyone and he always managed to make me laugh.   He was so proud you.
I shall miss him so very much.
I send my very deepest sympathy to you and Roz.
Although I should like to say a few words on Monday, I’m not sure that I’m up to it.
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