Matt Betts

Created by Ben 4 years ago
Dear Ben
I was really very sorry to see that your father has died. I was just a small part of his life - I am a former colleague of Max at the EBU, but wow did I appreciate everything he did for me. 
He was so clever, but never condescending, and always kind. 
One of my favourite memories of Max was when he and I went to meet the Fleming family in London (of Ian Fleming fame). He was so knowledgeable and they were very impressed with him. Max and I then took a very leisurely journey back to Aylesbury via some great pubs, which included good beer and a lot of laughs. I had some really fun times with Max over an ale or two in London, Aylesbury and Brighton. 
In the end, I was very privileged to write his "Farewell Max Bavin" article - a great honour. 
Sadly, I can't make his funeral, but I will raise a toast for your wonderful father. I hope this is some comfort of how loved and respected he was. My sincere condolences. . 
Take care, Matt Betts